Digital Art & Painting – Abstract

There are incredible number of tools available at your disposal from the Paintology app and some of them you can use to create quick abstract art. The tools used here are a combination of sketch brush tools that is found under the Brush window and selecting the proper width and color. Just let your finger do the walking and you will be surprised by the different effects that you can create.

There are a group of people who actually find doodles very interesting and treat it as works of art and this is primarily because when one doodles there are no hard rules to constrain you, you simply go with the flow. Of course not all doodles are good but often when we let our imagination go, we can come up with something unique. The Paintology app will provide you with excellent tools to grow your creativity skills, so next time you are on a bus, or just cant find things to do, open up Paintology on your smartphone and let your imagination fly.

Happy Painting!

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